Specializing in Corporate training, Prof./Er. Amar Panchal is the Founder of Accelerate Persona

The Biagraphy

He is an Entrepreneur, Engineer, Academician, and Industry expert in training & developing complex multithreaded applications, and a motivational speaker who has made a strong impact in transforming lives. He has always been very passionate about teaching and believes that every experience in teaching is a learning for life.

He often says, “Pursue excellence, not success”. He believes, “Success is the by-product of excellence” and Prof. Amar Panchal’s career is the illustration of this quote. He has always focused on developing his knowledge, gaining the utmost information, and making it relevant to the job. His urge to upgrade & update himself differentiates him from the masses.

Pursue excellence, not success”. He believes, “Success is the by-product of excellence

Some info about Mr. Amal

He started his career by working and serving Corporates at Engineering and Consultant levels. After excelling in all roles, he decided to train and mentor other employees to attain perfection. He has established himself as an exceptional Corporate Trainer and has worked with highly regarded Companies and Institutions- MET, VITA, CDAC to name a few.

He is not only excellent in technical skills but also has magnificent leadership skills. This man is a role model for all young Entrepreneurs, Engineers, or anyone who wants to follow their passion.

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