After completing BSc Physics from MG Science Institute, Ahmedabad and an MSc in Physics from the
Department of Physics, Electronics and Space Sciences, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Chaitalee
Pravin decided to build up a strong career in Physics.
To accomplish that goal, she attended Summer
School jointly organised by the Indian Institute of
Sciences, Raman Research Institute and Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore which was the turning point of her life. She was fortunate to get guidance from very eminent Scientist Prof. C V Vishweshwara to work on her first research project on Rotating
After returning to Ahmedabad, she registered for an
MPhil in Astrophysical Plasma Physics and got special permission from Gujarat University to pursuit
her research work at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad. Dr Nagesh Rao and Prof A C
Das thoroughly guided her in her thesis work. Then, she joined Vikram A Sarabhai Community
Science as a Science Educator and got involved in Educational Research work. Teachers Training
Programmes, Students Orientation Programmes, outreach programs, the ISRO project of Establishing
Space Education Cells, Science Express and many more have gradually strengthened her knowledge
as well as her subjective approach. Then she engaged in Model Rocketry, an effective educational tool
to learn Physics, Chemistry, Maths and life qualities.
After coming to Chennai, she initially joined the Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training, but later
realised that engineering was not her passion and decided to join the school to train young minds at
Grades 11 and 12 levels. Babaji Vidhyashram provided her with a platform to experiment with combining formal and non-formal educational methodologies. This resulted in the addition of Model
Rocketry to the Grade 11 curriculum in 2022. This year, she has included the Design Thinking
segment which includes designing and testing model rockets through software and implementation.
Other than Physics, Cricket is her second passion, she had already planned to take up Cricket with
Physics and to study physical concepts behind the game. Hence, she has initiated the Study of different types of Cricket pitches in terms of Material Sciences as a part of the Investigatory Project at the
Senior Secondary Level. While talking about her source of inspiration, she says that many teachers
have influenced her life and career at different phases but the three most respectful teachers who have
taught tolerance, humanity, concentration towards passion and stability are Rahul Dravid, Albert
Einstein and Kishore Kumar popularly known as Kishore Da.


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